Monday, September 17, 2012

Happiness Starts With A 'K'

Aside from dancing, singing (via videoke) and listening to favorite tracks on my music player, another activity relaxes me and takes my mind off day-to-day worries.... reading. I started reading pocketbooks when I was in 3rd grade. I remember finding a hardbound copy of a Nancy Drew book at home. Out of curiosity, I tried reading the first few pages and ended up not only reading the entire book but visiting the school library more often to borrow pocketbooks. Alas, another bookworm in the family. From Nancy Drew, I also read The Bobbsey Twins and other detective series I could find. Back then, it was a given in our school for the girls to read Nancy Drew and for the boys to be more inclined to reading The Hardy Boys. Well, out of defiance, I read The Hardy Boys as well. Haha.

Francine Pascal's Sweet Valley series became a favorite when I reached 5th grade. I was lucky enough to have a friend who had a collection, so I was able to read each and every book in the series (SV Twins, High and University). I also loved Sweet Dreams.

In high school, I read Sidney Sheldon and Stephen King. When I read Erich Segal's Doctors, I decided I wanted to become a surgeon. Haha. I also started reading historical romance novels.

When I started working and became a mom, however, a lot of things changed. I found myself having less time for reading. There were also several instances when I suddenly had the chance to catch up on my reading but can't because I didn't have my book with me (e.g. waiting for hubby to pick me up in the office, waiting for school programs to start, etc). There were also times when I had a book with me but I felt like reading a different book but can't because, again, the book was at home sleeping in my shelf. I can't naman bring my library with me, debba?

But all that changed when this darling came into my life last Monday (July 23)... my very own Kindle Touch!

This baby can store over a hundred ebooks! I can bring my "library" with me anywhere! It's small and light so it easily fits my bag. Battery life is also longer (I heard it lasts for more than a month) so you don't have to charge as often as you do when you use your phone or tablet as your ebook reader. The E Ink display is also a delight! Ebook reading without the glare is bliss for me. I love my "K!" Oh, I do. I do!

Thank you, dear Mommy and Hubby. I am very, very happy with my new baby. :)

PS: I got my unit from an online seller I would be very happy to recommend. She has great after sales support. Look for Nelson KRX on Facebook.

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