Monday, September 17, 2012

The Magic of Physiogel

My three-year old has sensitive and dry skin. I have already tried different brands (from affordable to expensive ones) but saw minimal to no improvement on his skin. Certain areas (particularly his legs and the back of his knees) remained dry, rough and itchy. My poor baby became cranky during the day and couldn't sleep well through the night because he kept scratching and scratching. It broke my heart to see how uncomfortable my baby was. He kept showing me the dry spots as if telling me, "Mom, do something!"

Fortunately, our pediatrician suggested we try Elica ointment (for a couple of days) and Physiogel cleanser and lotion. They were a little pricey but when I saw how fast my son's skin improved after a few applications only, I can say that the products really gave us our money's worth! No more itchy, dry and rough skin for my baby! He was his usual cheerful self and he slept well through the night. *insert sigh of relief here*

Physiogel lotion is hypoallergenic and unscented... perfect for sensitive skin. Before, a 200-ml bottle cost almost P900 but last month, I was able to buy one for only P650! You should have seen how happy I was. Haha!

Yes, my son still uses Physiogel lotion. There were times when I gave in to temptations of trying cheaper brands but always regretted the decision because the dryness and itchiness always came back. I ended up spending more, hence, I promised myself it will only be Physiogel for my son from now on.

For moms of babies with the same skin concern, I suggest you ask your pediatrician about Physiogel. It did wonders for me and my baby. It might work for you, too! :)

PS: I have already posted this review in my other blog Mommyholic. I am sharing this product review again because I really believe in the product. It really does wonders for my baby!

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